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The project is a project that has the goal to create a working dust sensor design that pleases the needs of the client (Mills St. Brewery.) We defined the problem statement to be:
Design a dust sensing system that will detect the dust levels in malt silos that can withstand the silo conditions. The system will be able to display the current dust levels and warn the operator when the dust levels are approaching a set adjustable threshold. This will help avoid full system shutdowns in advance to keep the brewing process running efficiently. 
The solution to the problem statement was to create a device that uses a dust sensor connected to an Arduino. This device will have a case that consists of mesh, which will filter the supplements running through their system to detect the accurate dust concentration measurements. 
When creating the device may things have to be taken into account and assured to have the best functionality possible. One of the things to make sure when creating the device is to ensure that the airflow and filtering of the device is functional as build up might become an issue if the airflow is inefficient. Another thing to take into account when creating the device is that assurance of the functionality of the sensor and its measurements must be made to ensure that the correct measurements are being made to avoid a build up of dust. The device is fairly complex, but performs its job effectively. 

Arduino IDE, Inkscape, and MegunoLink were software used.

GNG1103-C15-Dust Sensor
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