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Adjustable Wood Door Hinge Jig

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Information sur le projet
  • Technologies possibles impliquées: Machine shop.
  • Type de projet: General
  • Budget prévu pour le prototype: $0
  • Coût prévu du projet cost: $100
Information sur le client
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Information sur le client
At AMBICO currently, a labourer in their factory spends a significant amount of time measuring and marking the placement of the holes required in doors to attach hinges.  Once the holes are marked, they are drilled by hand in a very precise location. The company currently use 4 different variations of hinges (one template provided in the files):
  1. 5” Length x 4.5” Width with a 9/16” backset
  2. 4.5” Length x 4.5” Width with ¼” Backset
  3. 5” Length x 4.5” Width with a ¼” Backset
  4. 5” Length x 4.5” Width with a 1.1/16” Backset
Your task is to design a reusable jig that can be used to drill the pattern of holes for the hinges and speed up the time required for this process. It can either be adjusted depending on the hinge type or multiple jigs can be made. It should allow the labourer to know at what depth to stop drilling and ideally would aid in keeping the drill perpendicular to the door. AMBICO would also like to introduce tapping in their process so the jig should allow manual tapping of the holes after they have been drilled. The jig must be extremely precise and durable. It should be quick to install and easy to use for the labourer.
Tentatives précédentes
There has been no previous attempt to solving this problem. / Il n'y a pas de tentatives précédentes pour résoudre ce problème.

Adjustable Wood Door Hinge Jig

Proposé par jboud030

Proposé le Aug 16 2023




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