Pollinator hotel data capture
Information sur le projet
- Technologies possibles impliquées: Microcontrollers, programming, soldering
- Type de projet: Spécifique au client / Client Specific
- Budget prévu pour le prototype: Not available
- Coût prévu du projet cost: $100
Information sur le client
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Information sur le client
Understanding the impacts of urban heat island effect on small insects like bees and wasps involves tracking temperature conditions at very small scales. Each pollinator hotel currently contains one iButton thermochron that logs temperature inside the hotel every two hours –giving a sense of what temperature conditions the developing bees and wasps are experiencing within the nest. This is the model that is currently being used: https://www.ibuttonlink.com/products/ds1921g. They’re quite small (17.35 mm in diameter) as they need to fit inside a relatively small space in the hotel.
When this client made the initial call for citizen scientists interested in participating in this study, they received over 100 applicants, and had to turn away most of them –the only reason for this being that they didn’t have enough iButtons for that many sites. Another thing they’ve been wanting to test is whether there are differences in the temperature between the cavities lower to the ground vs higher up, north-facing side vs south-facing side and further back in the nest vs closer to the entrance way of the cavity. Currently they have a single sensor logging temperature at the back of the nest box and are blindly assuming the temperatures it records are representative of the entire box. Therefore this client is looking for a prototype of a temperature and humidity logging device for their hotels.
Your task is to design a device that:
When this client made the initial call for citizen scientists interested in participating in this study, they received over 100 applicants, and had to turn away most of them –the only reason for this being that they didn’t have enough iButtons for that many sites. Another thing they’ve been wanting to test is whether there are differences in the temperature between the cavities lower to the ground vs higher up, north-facing side vs south-facing side and further back in the nest vs closer to the entrance way of the cavity. Currently they have a single sensor logging temperature at the back of the nest box and are blindly assuming the temperatures it records are representative of the entire box. Therefore this client is looking for a prototype of a temperature and humidity logging device for their hotels.
Your task is to design a device that:
- Is relatively cheap
- Can measure temperature and preferably also humidity
- Is small enough to fit inside a cavity and easily moved to different cavities (4mm to 7.5mm in diameter), it can take u an entire cavity
- Has an accuracy of ±0.5°C to 1°C and range of -20°C to 40°C
- Minimum of 1 but ideally 2 data capture sites per hotel
- Is capable of holding ~2000+ records, or at least 6 months of data @ record frequency every 1-2 hr
The device must also be easy to use and maintain for any person who will come in contact with it.
Tentatives précédentes
There has been no previous attempt to solving this problem. / Il n'y a pas de tentatives précédentes pour résoudre ce problème.