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Portable Shower Seat

Project information
  • Possible technologies involved: Mechanical hand tools, welding, drill press.
  • Project Type: General
  • Expected prototype budget: Not available
  • Expected project cost: $100
Client Information
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Client Information
This client currently uses a shower seat like this one. It serves his needs at home however when travelling hotels or other accommodations don't usually have seats like this, The current seat is also too bulky to transport easily.

Your task is to design a shower seat that can fold to fit into a carry-on luggage. It must be made for normally wet conditions and have durable feet so the bath doesn't get scratched. Water should not be able to get trapped in the seat. It should be under 5 lbs or as light as possible and be 21in tall. An option to have a back rest when needed would be a bonus.
Past attempts
There has been no previous attempt to solving this problem. / Il n'y a pas de tentatives précédentes pour résoudre ce problème.

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Portable Shower Seat

Proposed by jboud030

Proposed on Aug 26 2022




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