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Project Information / Information sur le projet
Possible technologies involved / Technologies possibles impliquées: Mobile development, microcontrollers, programming
Project Type / Type de projet : General
Expected prototype budget / Budget prévu pour le prototype: Not available
Expected project cost / Coût prévu du projet cost: $50
Client Information / Information sur le client
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Project background / Contexte du projet
This client is impacted by light sensitivity and is not able to know what the color of different things is and would like to not have to rely on a sighted friend to tell her. There are many apps that exist that can detect colors however they all have trouble with very light and very dark colors. Your task is to design a system (app, device or other) to accurately and reliably detect the color of different objects. it should be easy to use and not require another person for confirmation.

Past attempts / Tentatives précédentes
There has been no previous attempt to solving this problem. / Il n'y a pas de tentatives précédentes pour résoudre ce problème.

Users that joined this project / Utilisateurs qui ont joins le projet:

MakerCon- Accurate color detection
Dec 15 2021