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Project Information / Information sur le projet
Possible technologies involved / Technologies possibles impliquées: Microcontrollers, Programming, 3D Printing/machining.
Project Type / Type de projet : General
Expected prototype budget / Budget prévu pour le prototype: Not available
Expected project cost / Coût prévu du projet cost: $100
Client Information / Information sur le client
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Project background / Contexte du projet
There is currently a sport called power wheelchair soccer (or bumper soccer) which has a metal cage attached to the footrest which is used to push an almost soccer-size ball toward a net or goal but this is limited in its action since the ball cannot be well directed, easily passed, or shot at any speed. The game is meant to simulate soccer for persons with weak arm or hand strength who could not play power hockey with stick and ball. Your task would be to develop a game based on capturing a ball of an appropriate size in some manner on the floor and being able to fire it toward a goal or pass to another player using a launching mechanism. The objective is a reasonably-priced device that would attach to a power wheelchair. The developed kit would look to provide easy attachment and ready storage and effective reliable operation in rugged conditions. In addition, a means of visualizing where the ball is when close to or captured by the wheelchair will need to be determined and may govern the attachment arrangements.

Past attempts / Tentatives précédentes
There has been a few attempts to solve this problem by other institutions however they were either not rugged enough or too complex and expensive.

Power Wheelchair Game
Aug 17 2021