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 The deep diving suit was chosen as an artifact from the Ingenium collection and we studied the present and past of the suit. The goal is to redesign the deep diving suit for the future. (e.g. 2040). Studying the suit over time and space, we asked several questions; why do humans like to go underwater? How does knowledge develop? and from the embodied point of view, how does the suit influence our experiences underwater?
These questions led us to some philosophical theories such as phenomenology and existentialism. Asking philosophical, engineering, and ethical questions and searching for "whys" changed the way we thought about diving suits and we asked, "how do animals underwater do?" and we came up with the idea of a Biomimetic robot. Among various animals, "Octopus" drew our attention because we saw incredible flexibility, curiosity, and creativity in this animal (these characteristics reminded us of our species). We are passionate about sustainability and our design covers UNSDG 12, 9 and 14. Accordingly, we designed a Biomimic-OctoSuit, that can be used both underwater and in the air. (the legs can work both for moving underwater and as wings out of water). Since this project is carried out in collaboration with the science museum, we also designed a piece of artwork (a mimetic octopus leg) to symbolize the extraordinary flexibility, curiosity, and creativity of future diving suits. 
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Mar 24 2023
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