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Project Information / Information sur le projet
Possible technologies involved / Technologies possibles impliquées: Not informed / Pas informé
Project Type / Type de projet : General
Expected prototype budget / Budget prévu pour le prototype: Not available
Expected project cost / Coût prévu du projet cost: $50
Client Information / Information sur le client
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Project background / Contexte du projet
Many people with disabilities might use a power recliner chair in their daily life. Some however are not able to push the buttons manually.

Your task is to create a voice-operated button "pusher" to operate the recline and lift functions on a remote unit for a powered recliner chair. This could benefit many people as this type of device does not currently exist.

Here is an example of the type pf remote: 

Past attempts / Tentatives précédentes
There has been no previous attempt to solving this problem. / Il n'y a pas de tentatives précédentes pour résoudre ce problème.

MakerCon- Voice activated chair remote
Feb 26 2023