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The project of “Waste Management” was a project assigned to the teams by the client Mitch Bouchard. Mitch Bouchard is part of a family business in the field of mechanical part supply. This project has a goal of improving the quality of recyclables and decreasing waste in landfills by creating a system to assist people in sorting their recyclables properly. Though many individuals believe that recycling is enough to make a change in the world this is not the case when looked at on a large scale. Many recyclables are missorted and end up in landfills and/or shipped overseas to countries that have more room for landfills than Canada does. In fact, many people do not know how to recycle and opt for throwing everything into the garbage instead resulting in further pollution in our environment. Creating a product to help people learn and understand how to sort their recyclables and garbage easily could help in the big picture of managing and reducing the amount of waste on the planet.  

The team has designed BeEco a webpage to help the users sort their recycling accurately. The product was developed using IBM Watson Visual Recognition to train the website to recognize the material the object is made of. Then the coding algorithm would indicate the correct bin from the material identified. 
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